UK Parliament / Open data

Draft Investigatory Powers Bill. Draft Investigatory Powers Bill Joint Committee report.

Parliamentary committee
HC 651 2015-16; HL 93 2015-16 
Investigatory Powers Bill
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Parliamentary proceedings
House of Commons
Investigatory Powers Bill
Monday, 27 June 2016
Parliamentary proceedings
House of Lords
Investigatory Powers Bill
Monday, 27 June 2016
Parliamentary proceedings
House of Lords
Investigatory Powers Bill
Monday, 11 July 2016
Parliamentary proceedings
House of Lords

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House of Lords
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House of Lords
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House of Lords
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Monday, 5 September 2016
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House of Lords
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House of Lords
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Monday, 12 September 2016
Parliamentary proceedings
House of Lords
Motion, that paragraph 323 be amended. The Committee divided. Negatived on division (10 to 4). Motion, that paragraph 433 be left out and new text be inserted. The Committee divided. Negatived on division (10 to 4). Motion, that paragraph 433 be left out and different new text be inserted. The Committee divided. Negatived on division (7 to 6). Motion, that paragraph 482 be left out and new text be inserted. The Committee divided. Negatived on division (9 to 5). Motion, that paragraph 497 stand part of the Report. The Committee divided. Agreed to on division - there being no majority for removing the paragraph (7 to 7). Motion, that paragraph 502 be left out and new text be inserted. The Committee divided. Negatived on division (12 to 2). Motion, that paragraph 564 be left out and new text inserted. The Committee divided. Negatived on division (8 to 6). Motion, that paragraph 588 be amended. The Committee divided. Negatived on division (9 to 5). Motion, that paragraph 608 be left out and new text be inserted. The Committee divided. Negatived on division (9 to 5).
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