What are the key issues that the 2015 Parliament might face?
The specialists in the House of Commons Library have produced a series of articles as a topical guide to the issues of interest to the new Parliament, and an insight into the quality of work that MPs can expect from our research service.
You can also view these articles on our Key Issues webpages
Politics and Parliament
- Why were the opinion polls so different from the actual General Election result?
- Will the 2015 Parliament see the continued ‘rise of the backbencher’?
- How much power will be devolved to the legislatures in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland during the 2015 Parliament?
- Will the ‘English Question’ be answered before the next election?
Social change
- What can Parliament do to reduce mental health stigma?
- What are the challenges faced by an ageing population?
Social Protection
- What is the most effective way to direct government support for childcare?
- Will enough new housing be built to meet increasing demand?
- Will there be enough school places where they are needed?
- Is the academies programme going to be extended or curtailed?
- Will closely integrated health and social care services improve quality while keeping costs down?
- Is a minimum price for alcohol the way to reduce excessive consumption and associated harm?
- How will the question of prisoner voting right be resolved?
- How should the police be held accountable politically to the communities they serve?
Defence & Security
- Can the UK afford to defend itself?
- Is replacing Trident compatible with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
Foreign Affairs
- How successful have efforts been to meet the Millennium Development Goals?
- What are the options for reforming the EU to better reflect the UK’s interests?
Economy & Public Finances
- Regulating banks — have we learned the lessons of 2008?
- Reducing the budget deficit - what challenges does the Government face?
Industry & Infrastructure
- What questions need to be answered about airport expansion and high speed rail?
- How can the new Government help farmers manage uncertainty and bolster their resilience?
- What level should the National Minimum Wage be set at and at what rate should it be increased over time?
- Will the growth in self-employment continue and what are the implications?
Consumers & Personal Finance
- How to ensure adequate retirement incomes without placing an undue strain on the public purse?
- Ensuring consumers are capable of making well-informed choices about financial services.
Energy & Climate Change
- Will 2015 be the year we make or break the climate?
- How will the Government balance the need for adequate investment and keeping consumer energy bills in check?
- What opportunities are there for Government, Parliament and the public to influence how the BBC is financed and operated?
- Press regulation - how to ensure that the press is both free and responsible?
- How will the opportunities presented by big data be realised?
- What is the darknet? Who uses it, and what for?