That this House congratulates Graham’s The Family Dairy on becoming Scotland’s number one chosen brand, overtaking the iconic Irn Bru which has held the top spot for decades, as well as surpassing Nestle, Cadbury’s and Pepsi in Scotland’s global food brand preferences; notes that 70 per cent of Scottish households now buy Graham’s products; celebrates the family-run firm’s 80-year history, growing from delivering by horse-drawn cart the milk produced by just 12 cows, to a respected Scottish business with 700 employees across seven Scottish sites, including Cowdenbeath, and 100 farming partners; and recognises the steps taken by the business in response to climate change, including working with Scottish Government through their flagship Low Carbon Innovation Transition Programme to utilise process waste at their Fife dairy for heat production - a first for Scotland's dairy industry.
That this House congratulates Graham’s The Family Dairy on becoming Scotland’s number one chosen brand, overtaking the iconic Irn Bru which has held the top spot for decades, as well as surpassing Nestle, Cadbury’s and Pepsi in Scotland’s global food brand preferences; notes that 70 per cent of Scottish households...