Agriculture in crisis?. House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/19.
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Agriculture in crisis?. House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/19.
Lords reform: major developments since the House of Lords Act 1999. House of Commons Library Research Paper 00/60.
Lords reform: major developments since the House of Lords Act 1999. House of Commons Library Research Paper 00/60.
The purpose of this Lords Library Note is to chart developments and practice in relation to divisions on delegated legislation in the House of Lords over the last fifty years.
The purpose of this Lords Library Note is to chart developments and practice in relation to divisions on delegated legislation in the House of Lords over the last fifty years.
The research reported here attempts to understand as clearly as possible the part played by the mass media in the Great GM Food Debate. It does not adjudicate on the “rights” and “wrongs” of the issues raised in the debate but rather, seeks to characterise and (so far as is practicably possible) to explain the principal features of the debate itself. Following a brief consideration of materials and methods, it examines some general
considerations concerning the inter-relationships between science and the media, particularly in the context of public policy-making; describes the principal features of the Great GM Food Debate; and continues by analysing these features quantitatively and qualitatively. Finally, it offers an interpretation of the debate in terms of the wider scientific, economic, social and political context in which it took place. In a separate conclusion, we offer some (necessarily tentative) thoughts concerning the practical lessons that may be learned from the Great GM Food Debate by those who are interested in improving the relationship between science and society in Europe today.
The research reported here attempts to understand as clearly as possible the part played by the mass media in the Great GM Food Debate. It does not adjudicate on the “rights” and “wrongs” of the issues raised in the debate but rather, seeks to characterise and (so far as is...
British farming and reform of the common agriculture policy. House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/77.
British farming and reform of the common agriculture policy. House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/77.
Pollution Prevention and Control Bill (HL). (Bill 107 of 1998/99). House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/58.
Pollution Prevention and Control Bill (HL). (Bill 107 of 1998/99). House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/58.
Growth promoting hormones have been at the centre of a long running trade dispute between the EU and US. The problem arises because of an EU ban on imports of meat from cattle treated with such hormones. Beef producers in the US, Canada and elsewhere commonly treat their cattle with hormone growth promoters; EU policy thus prevents such beef being sold on the European market. While the EU maintains that the policy is based on scientific evidence regarding possible health concerns, the US complained to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) that the EU ban was no more than a trade barrier disguised as health measures. In February 1998, a WTO Dispute Settlement Body ruled that the EU ban violated international trade rules. The EU now has until 13 May 1999 to comply with its WTO obligations. This POSTnote looks at the scientific basis of the EU policy and examines the options open to the EU in the light of the WTO ruling.
Growth promoting hormones have been at the centre of a long running trade dispute between the EU and US. The problem arises because of an EU ban on imports of meat from cattle treated with such hormones. Beef producers in the US, Canada and elsewhere commonly treat their cattle with...
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