The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) disclosed common agricultural policy (CAP) payment information on 22 March 2005, listing the names of CAP subsidy recipients and the amount paid to them in the last two years.The information represented an annual aggregate figure for payments to each recipient under all of the schemes paid by RPA, including agri-environment and rural development schemes. The full list of schemes covered by the disclosure is set out in Annex A.RPA investigated the practicalities of providing further breakdown by scheme, including scheme type, date of payment and name of scheme under which payment was made. It was concluded that it was unreasonable to produce this data because it is held in detailed scheme records and to reconcile the scheme statistics against the monies paid at the aggregate customer level would be extremely resource intensive.RPA published on its website in July 2005 a supplement to the CAP payments information giving details of payments by geographic location for the EAGGF (European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund) year 2003–04. The regional analysis has been produced using the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) and NUTS levels one and two were used to provide this analysis. It was decided that a more detailed regional breakdown and the release of full postal addresses would not be appropriate. The general privacy arguments were examined in detail and it was concluded that the risks around privacy intrusion outweighed the limited additional public value of the additional postal address data.Further, the diversion of more resources from other priority work, in particular considering RPA's imperative to commencing Single Payment Scheme payments to farmers by February 2006, to produce additional geographical or scheme breakdown would be manifestly unreasonable. However RPA continues to examine detailed requests on a case by case basis."Annex A—Schemes administered by RPA""IACS and other farm based schemes dealt with by RPA for England:""Arable schemes:""Arable Area Payments Scheme (AAPS) including Fibre Flax Subsidy and Hemp Subsidy""Aid for Grain Legumes""Bovine schemes:""Beef Special Premium Scheme (BSPS)""Suckler Cow Premium Scheme (SCPS), including decisions about suckler cow quota""Extensification Payments Scheme (EPS)""Slaughter Premium Scheme (SPS), including Veal Calf Slaughter Premium""Sheep schemes:""Sheep Annual Premium Scheme (SAPS), including the LFA Supplement and decisions about sheep quota""Agrimonetary compensation linked to any of the above schemes:""England Rural Development Programme (ERDP), including the Hill Farm Allowance Scheme (HFA)""Structural funds:""The Structural Funds are a multi-funded EU programme. Defra is the Managing Authority, RPA is the paying authority (responsible for financial and accounting controls) and the Government Offices act as the intermediate bodies (responsible for administration and implementation).""RPA only pays under the Guidance element for schemes in Objective 1 regions and for Leader + schemes.""Non-IACS (i.e. CAP) schemes dealt with by RPA for the UK:""General:""Aid for Concentrated Grape Must""Aid for Dehydrated Fodder""Apple Consumption Aid""Beef Information Programme""Butter for Manufacture""Butter for Non-Profit Making Organisations""Cane Sugar Refining Aid""Control of Casein in Cheese Making""Casein Production Subsidy""Citrus Processing Aid""Concentrated Butter for Direct Consumption""End Use Control of Certain Fruit and Vegetables""Fibres Processing Aid""Fish Carry-Over Aid""Fish Flat-Rate Aid""Fish Flat-Rate Premium""Fish Private Storage Aid""Fish Withdrawals Compensation""Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Withdrawals""Fruit and Vegetable Operational Programme""Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organisation Recognition""Grape Juice Aid""Herbage Seed Production Aid""Milk Quotas Scheme""Olive Oil Production Refunds""Over Thirty Months Scheme""Promotions to Internal Market""Promotions to Third Countries""School Milk Scheme""Selective Cull Scheme""Skimmed Milk Powder for Animal Feed""Starch for Prescribed End Users""Sugar and Isoglucose Production Levies""Sugar in the Chemical Industry""Intervention purchasing schemes:""Cereals""Beef""Dairy""Private storage aid schemes:""Dairy""Sheepmeat/Goatmeat""Pigmeat""Beef""Sugar, Oils and Starch:""Cane Sugar Refining""End Use Control of Certain Vegetable Oils""Olive Oil Production""Production Refund on sugar used in the Chemical Industry""Starch Refunds—Cereals""Starch Refunds—Rice""Isoglucose Quotas and Production Levies""Sugar Quotas and Production Levies""External trade schemes (including export refunds):""Bananas""Beef and Veal""Beef Import Tariff Quota""Cereals""Rice""Fish""Floriculture (live plants and flowers)""Fruit and Vegetables""Milk/Milk Products""Processed Goods (i.e products including two or more agricultural products supported by the CAP).""Oils/Fats""Oilseeds/Seeds""Pigmeat""Eggs""Poultrymeat""Sheepmeat and Goatmeat""Sugar, Isoglucose and Insulin Syrup""Tobacco""Whisky refunds""Wine."