In his response, the Minister said that the Home Office will conduct a further review of the levels of cash support for asylum seekers
in 2016. He also said that, as part of this review, his officials will be talking to and inviting submissions from the principal organisations represented on the National Asylum Stakeholder Forum. I hope that it will be a genuine, wide-ranging consultation for the review, involving people who can provide information based on the reality and not the theory of living on current support levels.
I am also conscious, as I mentioned earlier, that the subject of support for destitute asylum seekers will continue to be a subject of intense debate and discussion
in your Lordships’ House under the terms of the Immigration Bill currently in the Commons. In view of these considerations, and having placed on record the reasons for our strong concerns over the serious adverse impact of the removal in particular of higher rates of allowance for destitute child and adolescent asylum seekers, I am not moving my Motion.