What I am trying to get across is that we absolutely agree that we do not want to see the flight of industrial players in our economy. However, we cannot simply keep loading the responsibility for decarbonisation on to consumers and not put in place a positive policy for the decarbonisation of industry. The two CCS projects are Peterhead and White Rose, but they are power projects. I am talking about heavy industry: steel, cement, chemicals and oil refining. How will those enter into the CCS market? We need to get an incentive in to help them to do that and we need the EU to support us.
Overall, my fear is that the net effect of these instruments might be that we exempt green electricity from overseas, which will be able to come in without bearing any of the costs that we have in this country. We may see that UK plc simply bears the cost but does not see the investment that we need in our industries. I hope that we will continue this dialogue. This whole raft of policies and how they interrelate has to be kept under a close eye.