My Lords, this Measure makes a number of amendments to existing legislation concerned with the care of churches and the exercise of jurisdiction by the ecclesiastical courts. The amendments will simplify the operation known as faculty jurisdiction, the legal framework under which the consistory court of a diocese regulates the carrying out of works and other proposals to its churches and churchyards.
The faculty jurisdiction is a reflection of the Church of England’s understanding that decisions about what happens in and to church buildings and churchyards
are not simply a matter for local congregation decision. It is important both for the safeguarding of the Church of England’s historic buildings and for maintaining the confidence that the Government place in it in allowing it to operate its own procedures, rather than being subject to the secular consent procedure for listed buildings. It also has a role in ensuring that any proposals concerning the church or churchyard are consistent with the church’s doctrine and take proper account of the interests of all those whom our parish churches exist to serve.
The last major overhaul of faculty jurisdiction was carried out in the 1980s and resulted in the Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1991. In 2012, the Archbishops’ Council established a faculty simplification group to look at the operation of the system. It carried out extensive consultation; there was overwhelming support for the existence of the faculty jurisdiction, but issues were raised about the amount of bureaucracy. It was sometimes felt to be resource-intensive and not easy for some to engage with.
Three key proposals for streamlining the process are the basis of this Measure. The first is the establishment of an agreed national list of minor works not requiring a faculty. The second is the establishment of an agreed national list of routine works which would require some input from the diocesan advisory committee and the approval of the archdeacon, but which would not need to go through the full faculty procedure. The third is a more streamlined application process from early-advice stage through to the formal faculty petition—that is the application to the consistory court—with a more disciplined timeframe for routine cases.
That is the nature of the Measure. Something that does not need to be in the Measure is the development of an online system for applications. The most significant provision, Section 5, implements the proposal that there should be nationally applicable lists of minor and routine works that can, subject to certain conditions, be undertaken without a faculty. We believe that that will significantly reduce the burden on churchwardens and others who volunteer a huge amount of their time to maintain and develop our 16,000 parish churches as living centres of worship and mission.
Deregulation will be accompanied by effective safeguards to ensure that the nation’s heritage continues to be protected as effectively as it is currently. A range of matters are expressly excluded from the deregulation provisions. In particular, any works which would affect the character of a listed building are outside the scope of the regulation and would always have to go through the full faculty procedure—which means that, in those sensitive cases, English Heritage and other national amenity societies will continue to be consulted, and they and other interested parties will continue to have the right to object and to be heard by the consistory court. The Measure, and the rules made under it, will distinguish those cases where no or only light-touch regulation is needed from cases which require careful consideration, including consultation and the right to object. The desire is to move to a more flexible system with proportionate means of proceeding.
Other provisions of the Measure include, in Section 4, simplifying the consistory court being able to grant faculties allowing free-standing buildings to be put up on disused burial ground, subject to certain conditions. Section 7 tidies up existing provision about appeals and which appeal courts hear which type of appeal. Section 8 provides for the appeal court to intervene in proceedings in the consistory court if there has been an inordinate delay—although it is hoped that the existence of that power will mean that it does not need to be used.
The Measure introduces some practical, balanced and sensible reforms which should mean that the faculty system continues to serve its purpose effectively but, at the same time, does not impose an undue burden on those who we rely on in the parishes to look after our churches. I beg to move.