To ask Her Majesty’s Government, further to the reply by Baroness Warsi on 19 November (HL Deb, GC 400), what steps they are taking to encourage British Muslim leaders and clerics to clarify and confirm the peaceful nature of the Koran, the Hadith and the Sunnah.[HL3579]
As I said on 19 November this Government supports the role that faith plays in British society, particularly when different faiths come together. Our Integration policy includes programmes that strengthen mutual understanding and, as part of this, Muslims have participated in an outstanding 95% of Near Neighbours projects, drawing on their religious requirement to work for the common good. Additionally, through The Big Iftar this year British Imams and Muslims across the country opened their doors to non-Muslims to share evening meals together. The Big Iftar culminated with the Prime Minister’s visit to Manchester's Jamia Mosque in August and the Government will continue to support initiatives that show there is no contradiction between being British and Muslim.
This Government also recognises the importance of involving a wide range of people and organisations from the public and private sector in its work to tackle extremism and terrorism. Prevent continues to work with and through the faith sector, which we recognise has a unique role to play in reaching out to young people at risk of radicalisation and addressing claims made in the name of religion by apologists for violence. The Home Office funds a number of community resilience projects across Prevent priority areas which aim to amplify the positive community response to extremism and a positive, peaceful view of Islam. These projects include establishing networks through engaging with mosques and community leaders, and providing training as well as funding for products like leaflets and websites.