No, I will not.
For many people in Telford £15,000 will be an annual income on a part-time job. People will struggle to be able to invest the kind of money the Conservative party clearly thinks they have got swilling around in their coffers, but never mind; they can go and enjoy themselves at the bingo.
Immediately after the Budget, I took part in a Federation of Small Businesses event—a phone-in debate and panel discussion at a hotel in Telford. I have to say that the small business community, and certainly the people I spoke to in the phone-in, were quite disappointed. They were concerned that there had not been more movement on business rates and that a lot of the initiatives the Chancellor was talking about were targeted at larger businesses. They felt they were getting a bit of a raw deal and they were being ignored. My view has always been that in our modern economy the strength of our future economy and of our nation will depend very much on the success of small and medium-sized enterprises. We must, therefore, think much more about support for small businesses.
There were two glaring omissions from the Budget, the first of which relates to young people. Unemployment rates among young people in Telford and Wrekin remain stubbornly high and hundreds more young people are underemployed. The Chancellor spent little time in his speech talking about young people, but it should have been his top priority. It is for us in Telford. The local authority is investing £1.3 million specifically to target youth unemployment, and the job junction initiative is helping people in towns across the borough, providing support for them to get back into work. We also have other partners, such as Telford college of arts and technology, which have programmes targeted at getting young people who have found formal education difficult back into education and into securing skills and training. I recently had the pleasure of opening a campus facility for the college in Dawley.
The other omission from the Budget was any discussion of the need for a significant increase in the provision of social sector housing units for rent. Understandably, we all want to talk about affordable housing for sale in this country, but we face a real dilemma in that we do not have enough properties for rent in the social housing sector. The next Labour Government must have an enormous drive to build more social housing, to ensure that we deal with what is one of the biggest issues for my constituents.
3.4 pm