To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs pursuant to his contributions of 13 December 2012, Official Report, columns 524-42, on live animal exports, whether he has raised the inadequate enforcement of animal welfare provisions with (a) Ministers of other EU member states which receive live animal exports from the UK and (b) the European Commission in the last six months.
Day to day questions relating to the enforcement of animal welfare during transport rules are normally dealt with by DEFRA officials in conjunction with their counterparts in the competent authority concerned, in line with the requirements for mutual assistance and exchange of information laid down in Article 24 of Council Regulation (EC) 1/2005.
If the problem is suitably serious or complex in nature, possibly involving both animal health and welfare issues, DEFRA’s chief veterinary officer will discuss the issue or write to the equivalent head of veterinary services in the country concerned, copying any correspondence to the EU Commission as appropriate. This has generally been successful in the past in resolving specific technical issues relating to enforcement of the welfare in transport legislation.
The last ministerial discussion on the welfare in transport legislation (which included the EU Commission in an observational capacity) took place in the Agriculture Council meeting on 18 June. Ministers agreed at this meeting that in moving forward, the number one priority should be an improvement in the enforcement of the existing requirements of the legislation across the EU.