(2) pursuant to his contributions of 13 December 2012, Official Report, columns 524-42, on live animal exports, whether he will raise equal enforcement of animal welfare provisions within the EU live export trade at the next meeting of the European Council.
Huw Irranca-Davies:
The comments referred to in column 531. of the debate on live animal exports concerned my bilateral discussions with competent authorities in other member states. Should the outcome of any of these bilateral discussions be unsatisfactory, the issue will be subsequently raised with the EU Commission. As regards direct discussions with the EU Commission, DEFRA officials are in frequent contact with them on a wide range of enforcement issues concerning a wide range of animal species subject to the welfare in transport legislation.
At the meeting of the Council of Agriculture Ministers on 18 June 2012, my predecessor the right hon. Member for South East Cambridgeshire (Sir James Paice), made it clear by means of a note for the Minutes of the meeting, that the UK shared the Commission's view that better enforcement of the existing legislation across the EU, should be the number one priority in relation to further work in this legislative area.
The Government will take every opportunity to reinforce this message at Agriculture Council meetings in the future when the welfare in transport legislation is discussed.