UK Parliament / Open data

Schools: Buildings

Written question asked by Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat) on Tuesday, 26 September 2023, in the House of Commons. It was due for an answer on Monday, 11 September 2023 (named day). It was answered by Nick Gibb (Conservative) on Tuesday, 26 September 2023 on behalf of the Department for Education.


To ask the Secretary of State for Education, with reference to paragraph 3.3 of the National Audit Office report entitled Condition of school buildings, HC 1516, published June 2023, if she will publish the Spending Review case on school buildings funding sent to HM Treasury by the Department of Education ahead of the 2020 Spending Review.


The National Audit Office report outlines different levels of possible investment in the school estate. However, decisions about investment have to be made over a vast range of significant infrastructure projects across government. The Department regularly speaks to HM Treasury about investment in the education estate. It would be inappropriate to disclose the details requested of the sensitive negotiations between HM Treasury and the Department. It would only show part of the picture on a complex decision-making process that takes place between multiple departments, ministers, officials, and other individuals, and would not reflect that such a process has to look across the board at priorities. It would also breach the long-standing traditions, and expectation, of confidential and often commercially sensitive information not being disclosed into the public domain, and of allowing officials to give full and frank advice to ministers.

Written question
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