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No-deal Brexit: A guide to Commons Library research

Commons Briefing paper by Fergal Davis. It was first published on Friday, 11 October 2019. It was last updated on Monday, 28 October 2019.

On 8 February 2019 the House of Commons Library published What if there's no Brexit deal? It was intended to be a comprehensive guide to the potential impacts of the UK leaving the EU without a deal. It set out how a no-deal Brexit might happen and the potential consequences across a variety of policy areas.

In April 2019 the EU agreed to a request from Prime Minister May and extended Article 50. Exit day then became 31 October 2019. On 24 July Boris Johnson MP became Prime Minister. In his first speech he vowed to deliver Brexit by 31 October ‘no ifs or buts’.

The original no-deal paper remains accurate in many areas, but the situation has remained fluid and there have been some significant developments. As a result, the Library has continued to publish a range of research on the no-deal scenario. Our research has taken the form of shorter Insights which tend to focus on one single point or issue and longer, more in-depth research briefing papers. Both are contained within this guide. Given the pace of events, further publications are likely. This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive list of Library outputs which address the no-deal Brexit scenario.

This guide is organised along similar lines to the original What if there's no Brexit deal? for ease of access and to make cross referencing convenient. It will be updated regularly to include new Library publications. It will enable users to quickly locate all our publications, broken down by subject, relevant to a no-deal Brexit scenario.

The House of Commons Library produces several helpful Brexit reading lists. These are regularly updated and provide links to a selection of publications by private sector organisations, think tanks, research institutes and other academic institutions: 

Brexit reading list: No Deal (CBP 8642) 

Brexit reading list: defence and Security (CBP 7742) 

Brexit reading list: Global Britain (CBP 8338) 

Brexit: a reading list of post-EU Referendum publications by Parliament and the Devolved Assemblies (CBP 7912) 

How could no-deal happen? 

A no-deal Brexit: the Johnson Government, CBP 8397 

Preparations for no-deal 

EU preparations for a no-deal BrexitCBP 8547 

Constitutional implications in the UK 

The Benn-Burt Bill: Another Article 50 extension?, Commons Library Insight 

Prorogation of Parliament, CBP 8589 

Decision of the Supreme Court on the Prorogation of Parliament, Commons Library Insight 

Brexit questions in national and EU courts, CBP  8415

A User's Guide to the Meaningful Vote, CBP 8424

The status of "retained EU Law", CBP 08375 


What if there's no Brexit deal? CBP 8397.

Economic impact 

Brexit: the financial settlement, CBP 8039

Customs and Trade 

Brexit: trade tariffs if there is no deal, CBP 8518  

Trade in services and Brexit, CBP 8586 

No-deal Brexit and WTO: Article 24 explained, Commons Library Insight

No deal Brexit: trade, CBP 8636

Brexit and trade in services, Commons Library Insight

Brexit and financial services, CBP 7628 

Financial Services (Implementation of Legislation) Bill 2017-19, CBP 8493  

UK set to become a party to the Government Procurement Agreement in its own right, WTO 

WTO agreement secures £1.3 trillion market for British contractors, DIT

Brexit: consumer rights, CBP 8102

Brexit: product standards and safety markingCBP 8583   

Mobile roaming in a 'no deal' Brexit, CBP 8649

UK progress in rolling over EU trade agreements, CBP 7792 

Future free trade agreements: US, CPTPP, Australia and New Zealand, CBP 8499 

Northern Ireland and the Irish border 

What if there's no Brexit deal? CBP 8397.

Free movement of people, healthcare, social security and pensions 

Post-Brexit EU immigration policy in the event of a no-deal, Commons Library Insight

EU Settlement Scheme, CBP 8584 

The progress of the EU Settlement Scheme so far, Commons Insight, 

No-deal Brexit, free movement and right to work checks, Commons Insight  

How can EU nationals access UK benefits?, Commons Library Insight   

Brexit and State Pensions, CBP 7894

Brexit and private pensions, CBP 7629

EU reciprocal healthcare arrangements: Brexit guidance, CBP 8683

Food and Farming 

Brexit: Trade issues for food and agriculture, CBP 7974

No deal Brexit: What happens to farm payments?, CBP 8644

Farm payments in a ‘no deal’ Brexit, Commons Library Insight  


Fisheries and Brexit, CBP 8396

The environment, energy and climate change 

Brexit: energy and climate change, CBP 8394

Environmental Principles and Governance: the draft Bill, CBP 8484

Brexit and Chemicals Regulation (REACH), CBP 8403


Brexit and transport, CBP 7633

Brexit: Impacts on holidays and travel, Commons Library Insight

Brexit and Pet Travel, CBP 8667

Mobile roaming in a 'no deal' Brexit, CBP 8649

Higher education, science and research 

What if there's no Brexit deal? CBP 8397.

Internal security 

Divorce after Brexit, Commons Library Insight

Getting divorced if there is a no-deal Brexit, CBP 8671

External relations 

UK replacement of the EU's external agreements after Brexit, CBP 8370

European defence: where is it heading?, CBP 8216

What would a no-deal Brexit mean for UK and EU defence cooperation?, Commons Library Insight 

How might Brexit affect UK overseas aid spending?Commons Library Insight


EU preparations for a no deal Brexit, CBP 8547

Research briefing
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Public acts
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