To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills which sites are owned by the South East of England Regional Development Agency within the boundaries of (a) New Forest District council, (b) Rushmoor borough council, (c) Test Valley borough council, (d) Winchester city council, (e) Portsmouth city council, (f) Southampton city council and (g) Isle of Wight council.
South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) owns the following sites within the boundaries of:(a) New Forest district council:"Hythe Marine Park"(c) Test Valley borough council:"Andover Innovation Centre"(e) Portsmouth city council"Land at Tipner"(f) Southampton city council"Coburg Street/Drivers Wharf, Northam""Centenary Quay, Woolston"(g) Isle of Wight council"Former North Works, East Cowes""Island Technology Park, Whippingham""Land at Kingston""Land at Three Gates Road, Cowes""Land at Lake""Ryde Business Park""Former West Medina Mills, Newport"No sites owned by SEEDA are within the boundaries of Rushmoor borough council or Winchester city council.