Whether they have considered alternative schemes to the conversion of the inner distribution road in Reading such as improvement of the Cow Lane railway bridges bottleneck and the resuscitation of the cross-town route scheme between Vastern Road and the A329; and
It is for Reading Borough Council, as local highways authority, to determine its priorities for local transport schemes, and bring them forward through its local transport plan (LTP). LTPs are funded via the Government’s local transport capital settlement and it is for the highways authority to set out its expenditure programme within the confines of that funding. That funding is not conditional on the introduction of charging schemes.Proposals to improve the inner distribution road are covered in Reading’s second round LTP and expected expenditure on the scheme is set out in that document. It is for Reading to assess the environmental and traffic consequences of the proposals, including consideration of alternative means of achieving their objectives.I understand that the borough held a public consultation last year to explain its proposals and how they fit within the wider transport strategy for Reading. I further understand that the local authority has recently published traffic orders which will give the public the opportunity to consider the traffic changes and formally raise any associated concerns with the council.